UPDATE - 2/24/17 - TENTATIVE CONTRACT AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REACHED! More details to follow on the "bargaining" page. Thank your bargaining Team and cAT members for their perseverance and hard work on everyone's behalf!!
It's Been Over 2 Years Since We Unionized
And the administration at the California College of the Arts continues to stall the contract negotiations by refusing to bargain in good faith on two major issues: 1) fair compensation; and, 2) job security. Contact these administrators and demand fair contracts for adjuncts:
Stephen Beal, President - phone: 510.594.3630 • email: [email protected]
Tammy Rae Carland, Provost - phone: 510.594.3649 • email: [email protected]
Thomas Haakenson, Associate Provost, - phone: 510.594.3655 • email: [email protected]
Stephen Beal, President - phone: 510.594.3630 • email: [email protected]
Tammy Rae Carland, Provost - phone: 510.594.3649 • email: [email protected]
Thomas Haakenson, Associate Provost, - phone: 510.594.3655 • email: [email protected]
Special Announcements:
Some of the most respected artists, designers, curators, and creative professionals support the adjunct faculty union. Will you join them? Please sign the open letter at: https://justiceatcca.org/
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the adjunct faculty union at California College of the Arts (CCA), who’ve been negotiating their first union contract for two years. We are artists, writers, academics, designers, architects and community organizers who understand the important role CCA has in the Bay Area arts community, and the critical point the college is at in its history. We ask, who is CCA and what is it becoming?
CCA plans to close the Oakland campus and consolidate all programs in San Francisco to reshape the institution to be “flexible, sustainable, interdisciplinary, and ahead of its time” (according to President Stephen Beal’s public letter of March 30, 2016). We are concerned that the focus on flexibility over job security for faculty will impede CCA’s stated goal of “producing the trailblazers of tomorrow who can solve the seemingly intractable problems of today’s society.”
The non-ranked faculty at CCA unionized to fight the college’s flexible work model, a model that relies on 78% of the faculty to work semester-to-semester without job security, benefits or a livable wage. How does the College justify the President’s $628,077 compensation package when the majority of CCA’s faculty earn less than $30,000/year without benefits, tuition has soared to over $45,000 and a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco rents for $3490 per month?
If CCA truly believes in innovation with the intention to “strengthen the arts and cultural ecosystem of the Bay Area and San Francisco,” the College must not be an institution with the majority of faculty not able to afford to live in the cities where they teach.
By refusing to provide high-quality, stable jobs for its own workers today, how will CCA produce the problem solvers of tomorrow? Is CCA an art school that pays only lip service to its mission of social and economic justice? Is CCA transforming into an elite vocational school feeding debt-addled graduates to the tech industry while displacing working artists--alongside communities of color and working class people--from the Bay Area?
CCA administration maintains that a union contract will hinder the creation of a more diverse faculty body. If CCA had a real commitment to hiring more faculty of color and other minority groups in academia, it would have done so before the union election in 2014. The union is not responsible for the historic and ongoing nepotistic hiring policies that have made the current administration and faculty majority white. The approach to diversity that CCA favors—temporary grant-funded positions or low paying precarious teaching jobs—reinforces structural racism.
The non-ranked faculty union is a diverse coalition of workers assembling for the cause of social and economic justice. This diversity is their strength. Unlike CCA administration, the non-ranked faculty union is committed to ensuring systemic racial, class, and gender equity, not fighting it. It’s time for CCA to stop resisting the union’s solutions to the escalating wealth gap in the Bay Area and to lay the foundation for a diverse faculty body. This is best for CCA students, faculty and the arts ecosystem more broadly.
CCA’s non-ranked faculty are our colleagues, friends, family members, creative collaborators and mentors. They deserve fair treatment. They are devoting their work lives to serving CCA students who will be to the next generation of artists, writers, designers, and arts educators. It’s time for the administration to reciprocate.
We call on President Stephen Beal, Provost Tammy Rae Carland, and the Board of Trustees to agree quickly to a union contract that provides job security, fair wages, benefits and a career path to the 78 percent of the college’s faculty working under precarious conditions. Teaching artists deserve fair treatment and the economic security needed to thrive creatively and support future generations of Bay Area creative communities.
Join us in demanding CCA President Stephen Beal, Provost Tammy Rae Carland, and the Board of Trustees stand on the correct side of history.
CoCo Fusco, Professor, Andrew Banks Endowed Chair, University of Florida
Douglas Crimp, Professor, University of Rochester
Eileen Myles, Professor Emeritus of Writing, University of California - San Diego
Emory Douglas, Graphic Artist and Former Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party
Bill McKibben, Writer, Educator and Co-Founder of 350.org
Tania Bruguera, Artist
Nato Thompson, Curator, Creative Time
Jewelle Gomez, Author, Poet, Critic and Playwright
Sarah Schulman, Distinguished Professor, City University of New York
Richard Birkett, Curator, Artists Space
Michael Berube, Director, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University
Martha Wilson, Visiting Artist, Pratt Institute
Julie Ault, Artist
Andrea Fraser, Performance Artist and New Genres Professor, University of California - Los Angeles
Trevor Paglen, Artist
Richard Fung, Professor, OCAD University
Pamela M. Lee, Professor, Stanford University
Malaquias Montoya, Professor Emeritus, University of California - Davis
Silas Howard, Director, Visiting Lecturer, DCA, Cornell, Williams College
Cherrie Moraga, Artist in Residence (Theater), Stanford University
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Writer
Rob Brezsny, Managing Editor, Televisionary Publishing
A.L. Steiner, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University and Bard College
Sina Najafi, Editor-in-Chief, Cabinet Magazine
Stephen Elliot, Writer, Director, Founding Editor, The Rumpus
Dushan Petrovich, Assistant Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Nicholas Mirzoeff, Professor, New York University
Alexandra Juhasz, Chair, Film Department at Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Working Artists and the Greater Economy, (W.A.G.E), New York, NY
Donna Haraway, Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California – Santa Cruz
Dont Rhine, Faculty Co-Chair, Vermont College
Roland Greene, Professor, Stanford University
Anna Joy Springer, Associate Professor, University of California - San Diego
Michele Carlson, Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Natalia Almada, Filmmaker, 2012 MacArthur Fellow
Chris Kraus, Professor of Creative Writing, The European Graduate School
Jeff Chang, Writer
Boots Riley, Poet and Musician
Lauren Berlant, Professor, University of Chicago
Dena Beard, Executive Director, The Lab
Mary Austin, Founder, San Francisco Center for the Book
W. Kamau Bell, Socio-Political Comedian
Keith Hennessy, University of California - Davis, Circo Zero
Andrew Horwitz, Writer, Curator, and Cultural Producer
Claire Pentecost, Professor and Chair, Department of Photography, School of the Art of Institute of Chicago
Lewis Hyde, Writer
Norman Fischer, Priest, San Francisco Zen Center
Stephen Brier, Professor, City University of New York Graduate Center
Michael Rakowitz, Professor, Northwestern University
Lezlie Salkowitz-Montoya, University of California - Berkeley
Minnie Bruce Pratt, Professor (retired), Syracuse University
Corey Robin, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York
Steven C. Pitts, Associate Chair of the Labor Center, University of California
Favianna Rodriguez, Executive Director, CultureStrike
Vanessa Veselka, Attic Institute/ Tin House
Sandra de la Loza, Artist and Adjunct Professor, Whittier College, Otis College of Art and Design
Sophia Wallace, Artist
Dream Hampton, Revolve Impact
Eirik Steinhoff, Visiting Faculty, Evergreen State College
Bernadine Mellis, Senior Lecturer, Mount Holyoke College
Andrea Lawlor, Visiting Lecturer, Mount Holyoke College
Dawn Lundy Martin, Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Caroline Crumpacker, Executive Director, The Millay Colony for the Arts, Inc.
Amy King, Executive Committee, VIDA: Women in Literary Arts
Thomas Page McBee, Writer/Editor, City College of New York and Quartz (Atlantic Media)
Duriel E Harris, Associate Professor, Illinois State University
Josh MacPhee, Justseeds Artist Cooperative/Interference Archive
Brenda Hillman, Olivia C. Filippi Professor of Poetry, Mills College
Ellen Orleans, Writer
Juliana Spahr, Professor, Mills College
Stephen F. Eisenman, Professor of Art History, Northwestern University
Therese Quinn, Associate Professor, University of Illinois - Chicago
Ayelet Waldman, Novelist and Essayist
Julie Lythcott-Haims, Writer
Charles Reeve, Associate Professor, Ontario College of Art and Design
Max Haiven, Assistant Professor, Nova Scotia
Rob Halpern, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Eastern Michigan University
Molly Bang, CEO, SheBang
Nancy Popp, Artist
Michael Swaine, Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Dorris Bittar,Artist and Adjunct Faculty, California State University - San Marcos
Sarah Kobrinsky, Director of Business Development, Jered's Poetry
Lise Sokolne, Core Organizer, W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy)
Melissa Crosby, Organizer, The Last 3 Percent
Miranda Mellis, Faculty, Evergreen State College
Anna Tsing, Professor, University of California
Mary Patten, Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Wendy McNaughton, Illustrator and Graphic Journalist
Sarah Ross, Part-time Faculty and Part-time Faculty Representative, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Janine Brito, Stand-up Comic and Writer
Steven Saum, Writer and Editor
Jonathan Lyons, Assistant Professor, Bucknell University
Joshua Davis, Co-Founder, Epic Magazine
Anita Kurimay, Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College
Tony Kashani, Humanities Professor, Brandman University
Cassie Thornton, Feminist Economics Department and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, Artist and Founder/Curator of Nook Gallery, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Irina Contrearas Artist, Educator, and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Floris Schonfeld, Artist and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Grace Chen, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Kalika Gorski, Artist and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Zoe Bermet
Melanie Westerberg, Legal Editor, Writer and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Cassandra Rockwood-Rice, Teaching Assistant, California College of the Arts
Dough Hahn, Sarah Lawrence College
Dale Going, Poet and Printer, Em Press
Christina Continelli, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Dylan Pliskin, Poet and Student, California College of the Arts
Ottilie Mulzet, Translator
Roger Hecht, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York - College at Oneonta
Nicole Thompson, Artist and Teacher
Stalina Villareal
Thomas Powers, Retired Professor, Springfield Technical Community College
Anna Avery, California College of the Arts
Pamela Stalker, Adjunct Professor of Animation, California College of the Arts, Napa Valley Community College, and Berkeley City College
Leila Emery, Medical Writer
Danuta Krantz
Steve Gilmartin, Writer and Editor
Beth Schwartz, Manager, The First Church of Christ, Scientist
Ruth Halpern, Storyteller, FlexManage
Anahid Hojjati, Court Interpreter
Jennifer Lynn, Musician
Kristen Witucki, Writer
Renata Louwers, Writer
Heather Flesher, Poet and Spoken Word Artist
Ana Fernandez, Artist Educator, Foothill College, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Michelle Herrera, Student, California College of the Arts
Mary Estes, High School Teacher, Ida B. Wells High School
Al Wildey, Professor of Art, Central Michigan University
Regina Reichert, Architect and Artist, Design 99
Clare O’Kane, Comedian and Writer, Alumni, California College of the Arts
John Bischoff, Professor of Music, Mills College
William F. Wu, Author and News Editor
Jonathon Grasse, Professor of Music, California State University – Dominguez Hills
Larry Polansky, Professor of Music, University of California – Santa Cruz, Emeritus Strauss Professor of Music, Dartmouth College, Co-Director, Frog Peak Music (A Composers’ Collective)
Jonathon Russell, Design Educator
Michael Volker, Assistant Professor Adjunct (Lecturer II), Central Michigan University
Mike Pierce, Jazz Musician
Michael Toman, Retired Librarian
Peter Coyote, Writer, Actor, Zen Buddhist Priest
Dan Falsetto, Business Owner
Linda Moorcock, Editor, Business Manager
Geoffrey Knight, ESL Instructor, Adjunct, New Jersey City University, Hudson Community College
David Peck, Professor Emeritus, California State University – Long Beach
Sarah Hirzel, Artist
Alden Jenks, Professor, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Alan Brennert, Writer
Angus MacDonald, Writer
Julia Shirar, Painter, Sound Designer
Leigh Wells, Artist/Illustrator
August Talbot, Artist
Patricia Bruning, Design
Vivienne Fleshnet, Illustrator
Ward Schumaker, Artist/Illustrator
Nell Jehu, Librarian, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Selah Saterstrom, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Denver
Carter Scholz, Novelist
David Stairs, Founder, Design-Altruism-Project and Designers without Borders
Amy Yuen, Writer and Editor
Tessa Sutton, Assistant Dean, The School of Art, The Cooper Union
Poep Stront, Artist
Melissa Ragan, Art Historian, Radcliffe Institute
Craig Alderson, Library worker, University of California – Berkeley
Catherine Benz, Curator, Delmar Gallery
Derrick Velasquez, Artist and Part-time Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Phil Chang, Artist and Educator
Beth Howe, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University
Christine Simokaitis, Adjunct Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University
H. Melt, The Poetry Foundation
Javier Arbona, Assistant Professor, University of California – Davis
Celeste Connor, Artist, Art Critic-Theorist, Art Historian and Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Laura Fay Smith, Printmaker, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Melissa Leventon, Senior Adjunct Professor, California College of the Arts
Amy Franceschini, Artist, Futurefarmers
Maria Mortati, Museum Exhibition Designer
Anke Caroline Burger, Literature Translator
Valerie Imus, Projects and Exhibitions Program Director, Southern Exposure
Linda Norton, Writer, Artist, Editor
Pennie and Howard Taylor, Retired Teachers, Sacramento City Unified School District
Maria Elena Yepes, Professor of English Emeritus, Ease Los Angeles College
Gabriel Quinto, Councilmember, City of El Cerrito
Martin Grantham, Greenhouse Manager, San Francisco State Biology Department
Sarah Wilson
Robin Dintiman, Former Lecturer, California College of the Arts, Faculty, Manhattan Graphics Center
Rali Christo, Adjunct, Saint Mary’s College of California
Frankie G., Comedian, Narcissists Anonymous
Kaden Kratzer, Trade Unionist
Karla Faucett, SEIU 1021 Education Industry Chair
Monica Leavitt, Educator and Artist, IPH and San Francisco Unified School District
Pedro Conceicao, Organizer, SEIU 521
Suzanne Kendall Osborne, Artist, San Francisco Artist Guild
Roger Marbury, Film Electrician, IATSE 481
Sera Song, Former Lecturer, Kwangwoon University
Andrew Gilbert, Writer and Former lecturer, UC Berkeley Graduate School
Rachel Meyer, Language School Owner, ABC Languages
Jim Spadaccini, Creative Director and Founder, Ideum
Alekz Xavier, Metalsmith
Elizabeth Rollins, Faculty, Pima Community College
Jen Molander
Gevin Shaw, Graphic Designer
Bridget Reeder
Dee Williams, Teacher, Selwyn College
Christine Ogu
Shazia Qureshi
Add your name
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the adjunct faculty union at California College of the Arts (CCA), who’ve been negotiating their first union contract for two years. We are artists, writers, academics, designers, architects and community organizers who understand the important role CCA has in the Bay Area arts community, and the critical point the college is at in its history. We ask, who is CCA and what is it becoming?
CCA plans to close the Oakland campus and consolidate all programs in San Francisco to reshape the institution to be “flexible, sustainable, interdisciplinary, and ahead of its time” (according to President Stephen Beal’s public letter of March 30, 2016). We are concerned that the focus on flexibility over job security for faculty will impede CCA’s stated goal of “producing the trailblazers of tomorrow who can solve the seemingly intractable problems of today’s society.”
The non-ranked faculty at CCA unionized to fight the college’s flexible work model, a model that relies on 78% of the faculty to work semester-to-semester without job security, benefits or a livable wage. How does the College justify the President’s $628,077 compensation package when the majority of CCA’s faculty earn less than $30,000/year without benefits, tuition has soared to over $45,000 and a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco rents for $3490 per month?
If CCA truly believes in innovation with the intention to “strengthen the arts and cultural ecosystem of the Bay Area and San Francisco,” the College must not be an institution with the majority of faculty not able to afford to live in the cities where they teach.
By refusing to provide high-quality, stable jobs for its own workers today, how will CCA produce the problem solvers of tomorrow? Is CCA an art school that pays only lip service to its mission of social and economic justice? Is CCA transforming into an elite vocational school feeding debt-addled graduates to the tech industry while displacing working artists--alongside communities of color and working class people--from the Bay Area?
CCA administration maintains that a union contract will hinder the creation of a more diverse faculty body. If CCA had a real commitment to hiring more faculty of color and other minority groups in academia, it would have done so before the union election in 2014. The union is not responsible for the historic and ongoing nepotistic hiring policies that have made the current administration and faculty majority white. The approach to diversity that CCA favors—temporary grant-funded positions or low paying precarious teaching jobs—reinforces structural racism.
The non-ranked faculty union is a diverse coalition of workers assembling for the cause of social and economic justice. This diversity is their strength. Unlike CCA administration, the non-ranked faculty union is committed to ensuring systemic racial, class, and gender equity, not fighting it. It’s time for CCA to stop resisting the union’s solutions to the escalating wealth gap in the Bay Area and to lay the foundation for a diverse faculty body. This is best for CCA students, faculty and the arts ecosystem more broadly.
CCA’s non-ranked faculty are our colleagues, friends, family members, creative collaborators and mentors. They deserve fair treatment. They are devoting their work lives to serving CCA students who will be to the next generation of artists, writers, designers, and arts educators. It’s time for the administration to reciprocate.
We call on President Stephen Beal, Provost Tammy Rae Carland, and the Board of Trustees to agree quickly to a union contract that provides job security, fair wages, benefits and a career path to the 78 percent of the college’s faculty working under precarious conditions. Teaching artists deserve fair treatment and the economic security needed to thrive creatively and support future generations of Bay Area creative communities.
Join us in demanding CCA President Stephen Beal, Provost Tammy Rae Carland, and the Board of Trustees stand on the correct side of history.
CoCo Fusco, Professor, Andrew Banks Endowed Chair, University of Florida
Douglas Crimp, Professor, University of Rochester
Eileen Myles, Professor Emeritus of Writing, University of California - San Diego
Emory Douglas, Graphic Artist and Former Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party
Bill McKibben, Writer, Educator and Co-Founder of 350.org
Tania Bruguera, Artist
Nato Thompson, Curator, Creative Time
Jewelle Gomez, Author, Poet, Critic and Playwright
Sarah Schulman, Distinguished Professor, City University of New York
Richard Birkett, Curator, Artists Space
Michael Berube, Director, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University
Martha Wilson, Visiting Artist, Pratt Institute
Julie Ault, Artist
Andrea Fraser, Performance Artist and New Genres Professor, University of California - Los Angeles
Trevor Paglen, Artist
Richard Fung, Professor, OCAD University
Pamela M. Lee, Professor, Stanford University
Malaquias Montoya, Professor Emeritus, University of California - Davis
Silas Howard, Director, Visiting Lecturer, DCA, Cornell, Williams College
Cherrie Moraga, Artist in Residence (Theater), Stanford University
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Writer
Rob Brezsny, Managing Editor, Televisionary Publishing
A.L. Steiner, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University and Bard College
Sina Najafi, Editor-in-Chief, Cabinet Magazine
Stephen Elliot, Writer, Director, Founding Editor, The Rumpus
Dushan Petrovich, Assistant Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Nicholas Mirzoeff, Professor, New York University
Alexandra Juhasz, Chair, Film Department at Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Working Artists and the Greater Economy, (W.A.G.E), New York, NY
Donna Haraway, Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California – Santa Cruz
Dont Rhine, Faculty Co-Chair, Vermont College
Roland Greene, Professor, Stanford University
Anna Joy Springer, Associate Professor, University of California - San Diego
Michele Carlson, Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Natalia Almada, Filmmaker, 2012 MacArthur Fellow
Chris Kraus, Professor of Creative Writing, The European Graduate School
Jeff Chang, Writer
Boots Riley, Poet and Musician
Lauren Berlant, Professor, University of Chicago
Dena Beard, Executive Director, The Lab
Mary Austin, Founder, San Francisco Center for the Book
W. Kamau Bell, Socio-Political Comedian
Keith Hennessy, University of California - Davis, Circo Zero
Andrew Horwitz, Writer, Curator, and Cultural Producer
Claire Pentecost, Professor and Chair, Department of Photography, School of the Art of Institute of Chicago
Lewis Hyde, Writer
Norman Fischer, Priest, San Francisco Zen Center
Stephen Brier, Professor, City University of New York Graduate Center
Michael Rakowitz, Professor, Northwestern University
Lezlie Salkowitz-Montoya, University of California - Berkeley
Minnie Bruce Pratt, Professor (retired), Syracuse University
Corey Robin, Professor of Political Science, City University of New York
Steven C. Pitts, Associate Chair of the Labor Center, University of California
Favianna Rodriguez, Executive Director, CultureStrike
Vanessa Veselka, Attic Institute/ Tin House
Sandra de la Loza, Artist and Adjunct Professor, Whittier College, Otis College of Art and Design
Sophia Wallace, Artist
Dream Hampton, Revolve Impact
Eirik Steinhoff, Visiting Faculty, Evergreen State College
Bernadine Mellis, Senior Lecturer, Mount Holyoke College
Andrea Lawlor, Visiting Lecturer, Mount Holyoke College
Dawn Lundy Martin, Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Caroline Crumpacker, Executive Director, The Millay Colony for the Arts, Inc.
Amy King, Executive Committee, VIDA: Women in Literary Arts
Thomas Page McBee, Writer/Editor, City College of New York and Quartz (Atlantic Media)
Duriel E Harris, Associate Professor, Illinois State University
Josh MacPhee, Justseeds Artist Cooperative/Interference Archive
Brenda Hillman, Olivia C. Filippi Professor of Poetry, Mills College
Ellen Orleans, Writer
Juliana Spahr, Professor, Mills College
Stephen F. Eisenman, Professor of Art History, Northwestern University
Therese Quinn, Associate Professor, University of Illinois - Chicago
Ayelet Waldman, Novelist and Essayist
Julie Lythcott-Haims, Writer
Charles Reeve, Associate Professor, Ontario College of Art and Design
Max Haiven, Assistant Professor, Nova Scotia
Rob Halpern, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Eastern Michigan University
Molly Bang, CEO, SheBang
Nancy Popp, Artist
Michael Swaine, Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Dorris Bittar,Artist and Adjunct Faculty, California State University - San Marcos
Sarah Kobrinsky, Director of Business Development, Jered's Poetry
Lise Sokolne, Core Organizer, W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy)
Melissa Crosby, Organizer, The Last 3 Percent
Miranda Mellis, Faculty, Evergreen State College
Anna Tsing, Professor, University of California
Mary Patten, Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Wendy McNaughton, Illustrator and Graphic Journalist
Sarah Ross, Part-time Faculty and Part-time Faculty Representative, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Janine Brito, Stand-up Comic and Writer
Steven Saum, Writer and Editor
Jonathan Lyons, Assistant Professor, Bucknell University
Joshua Davis, Co-Founder, Epic Magazine
Anita Kurimay, Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College
Tony Kashani, Humanities Professor, Brandman University
Cassie Thornton, Feminist Economics Department and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, Artist and Founder/Curator of Nook Gallery, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Irina Contrearas Artist, Educator, and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Floris Schonfeld, Artist and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Grace Chen, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Kalika Gorski, Artist and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Zoe Bermet
Melanie Westerberg, Legal Editor, Writer and Alumni, California College of the Arts
Cassandra Rockwood-Rice, Teaching Assistant, California College of the Arts
Dough Hahn, Sarah Lawrence College
Dale Going, Poet and Printer, Em Press
Christina Continelli, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Dylan Pliskin, Poet and Student, California College of the Arts
Ottilie Mulzet, Translator
Roger Hecht, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York - College at Oneonta
Nicole Thompson, Artist and Teacher
Stalina Villareal
Thomas Powers, Retired Professor, Springfield Technical Community College
Anna Avery, California College of the Arts
Pamela Stalker, Adjunct Professor of Animation, California College of the Arts, Napa Valley Community College, and Berkeley City College
Leila Emery, Medical Writer
Danuta Krantz
Steve Gilmartin, Writer and Editor
Beth Schwartz, Manager, The First Church of Christ, Scientist
Ruth Halpern, Storyteller, FlexManage
Anahid Hojjati, Court Interpreter
Jennifer Lynn, Musician
Kristen Witucki, Writer
Renata Louwers, Writer
Heather Flesher, Poet and Spoken Word Artist
Ana Fernandez, Artist Educator, Foothill College, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Michelle Herrera, Student, California College of the Arts
Mary Estes, High School Teacher, Ida B. Wells High School
Al Wildey, Professor of Art, Central Michigan University
Regina Reichert, Architect and Artist, Design 99
Clare O’Kane, Comedian and Writer, Alumni, California College of the Arts
John Bischoff, Professor of Music, Mills College
William F. Wu, Author and News Editor
Jonathon Grasse, Professor of Music, California State University – Dominguez Hills
Larry Polansky, Professor of Music, University of California – Santa Cruz, Emeritus Strauss Professor of Music, Dartmouth College, Co-Director, Frog Peak Music (A Composers’ Collective)
Jonathon Russell, Design Educator
Michael Volker, Assistant Professor Adjunct (Lecturer II), Central Michigan University
Mike Pierce, Jazz Musician
Michael Toman, Retired Librarian
Peter Coyote, Writer, Actor, Zen Buddhist Priest
Dan Falsetto, Business Owner
Linda Moorcock, Editor, Business Manager
Geoffrey Knight, ESL Instructor, Adjunct, New Jersey City University, Hudson Community College
David Peck, Professor Emeritus, California State University – Long Beach
Sarah Hirzel, Artist
Alden Jenks, Professor, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Alan Brennert, Writer
Angus MacDonald, Writer
Julia Shirar, Painter, Sound Designer
Leigh Wells, Artist/Illustrator
August Talbot, Artist
Patricia Bruning, Design
Vivienne Fleshnet, Illustrator
Ward Schumaker, Artist/Illustrator
Nell Jehu, Librarian, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Selah Saterstrom, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Denver
Carter Scholz, Novelist
David Stairs, Founder, Design-Altruism-Project and Designers without Borders
Amy Yuen, Writer and Editor
Tessa Sutton, Assistant Dean, The School of Art, The Cooper Union
Poep Stront, Artist
Melissa Ragan, Art Historian, Radcliffe Institute
Craig Alderson, Library worker, University of California – Berkeley
Catherine Benz, Curator, Delmar Gallery
Derrick Velasquez, Artist and Part-time Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Phil Chang, Artist and Educator
Beth Howe, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University
Christine Simokaitis, Adjunct Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University
H. Melt, The Poetry Foundation
Javier Arbona, Assistant Professor, University of California – Davis
Celeste Connor, Artist, Art Critic-Theorist, Art Historian and Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Laura Fay Smith, Printmaker, Alumni, California College of the Arts
Melissa Leventon, Senior Adjunct Professor, California College of the Arts
Amy Franceschini, Artist, Futurefarmers
Maria Mortati, Museum Exhibition Designer
Anke Caroline Burger, Literature Translator
Valerie Imus, Projects and Exhibitions Program Director, Southern Exposure
Linda Norton, Writer, Artist, Editor
Pennie and Howard Taylor, Retired Teachers, Sacramento City Unified School District
Maria Elena Yepes, Professor of English Emeritus, Ease Los Angeles College
Gabriel Quinto, Councilmember, City of El Cerrito
Martin Grantham, Greenhouse Manager, San Francisco State Biology Department
Sarah Wilson
Robin Dintiman, Former Lecturer, California College of the Arts, Faculty, Manhattan Graphics Center
Rali Christo, Adjunct, Saint Mary’s College of California
Frankie G., Comedian, Narcissists Anonymous
Kaden Kratzer, Trade Unionist
Karla Faucett, SEIU 1021 Education Industry Chair
Monica Leavitt, Educator and Artist, IPH and San Francisco Unified School District
Pedro Conceicao, Organizer, SEIU 521
Suzanne Kendall Osborne, Artist, San Francisco Artist Guild
Roger Marbury, Film Electrician, IATSE 481
Sera Song, Former Lecturer, Kwangwoon University
Andrew Gilbert, Writer and Former lecturer, UC Berkeley Graduate School
Rachel Meyer, Language School Owner, ABC Languages
Jim Spadaccini, Creative Director and Founder, Ideum
Alekz Xavier, Metalsmith
Elizabeth Rollins, Faculty, Pima Community College
Jen Molander
Gevin Shaw, Graphic Designer
Bridget Reeder
Dee Williams, Teacher, Selwyn College
Christine Ogu
Shazia Qureshi
Add your name